Physical Therapy

Helps your children maximize movement and
minimize pain so that they can gain greater
independence in their daily lives.

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At Step by Step Speech, physical therapy encompasses a broad range of treatments. In addition, our physical therapists will be able to advise on prevention of injuries, when a child can return to a particular movement or sport, and will give the child exercises to do at home to help build movement and/or strength. Depending on the child’s needs and assessment, the treatment may be one or more of the following:

Exercises are designed to
Improve coordination, posture
and balance

muscle after an injury
or illness

Guide children through transitional
developmental activities, such as
crawling or walking

Exercises designed to
improve range of motion
and flexibility

Improvement of

Knowledge about injuries
and how particular
injuries can be avoided

Just as with adults, children sometimes need physical therapy for many different reasons. Most commonly,
physical therapy is required to heal from an injury, to improve certain types of movement, or because of an
illness, disorder, or disability.

Doctors may advise physical therapy
for children with:

muscular diseases

birth defects

acute injuries or trauma

traumatic brain injury

heart conditions

head injuries

sports-related injuries

developmental delays

lung conditions

missing limbs

At Step by Step Speech, our therapists have a particular specialized knowledge and experience providing physical therapy to children with autism spectrum disorder. Autism spectrum disorder can result in developmental delays, delayed milestones, and difficulties with basic skills. As a result, children with autism spectrum disorder require particularized physical therapy to assist with basic movement and gross motor skills. Improving movement will allow children with autism spectrum disorder to better participate in daily activities, in school and in play with their peers. Thus, physical therapy is a crucial, but often overlooked, facet of therapy for a child suffering from autism spectrum disorder.

Get a treatment plan designed to tailor
to your child’s specific needs.

Schedule Your Free Consultation